Articles by Radhika VenkataHow
To Get Profits From Your '404 Page Not Found' File "'Page Not Found' on this Server. Check the URL and try again. Or Refresh the page..." This is the annoying error that we will come across every time we surf the web pages. Internet will be changing every minute and day. The web sites that were here are not found next day. The web pages that were here with '/page.html' are changed to '/page1.html' next day. ... continue Images:
How To Make Them To Load Fast On Your Web Pages? 1. Use .gifs rather than .jpgs. GIFs are smaller in size when compared to JPGs. 2. Use 'Height' and 'Width' tags for your images. So while page loading certain place is left for the images and visitor can go through the content while images are loading. ... continue Reasons
Why You Should Have A Weblogger Installed On Your Web Site I don't know about you, but when I built my first web site three years back I don't know anything about the webloggers. One day when I checking the features of my web host control panel (after two months of uploading my first home page) I saw the link 'Webstats'. That was the first time I get to know that I can know how many people are coming to my site. ... continue TEN
Tips For Your Web Site Home Page 1. Loading time:
to Protect Your Downloads or Products 1. Upload robots.txt file in to your root directory and include the folder name where you set your downloads. More information on how to set robots.txt: www.webmasters-central.com/wp/se/robotstxt.shtml. ... continue Web
Site Professionalism? What Is It? Your web site should be-
Your visitor should get the feeling that you know your 'stuff'. ... continue Why
Should You Care About Your Web Site Colors? **How Colors are Used in web design:** Demarcates screen elements into groups- You can put a blue background for your navigational bar and white for rest of your page. This tells the visitor that the blue area has different elements and grabs his attention. ... continue